A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This is a small cozy game that is made in Godot for the Finally Finishing Something Game Jam, you play as Murph, everyone's favorite little mouse.  

You help other animal characters in your town, receiving little rewards as you go and gaining more abilities. Do expect bugs. Sorry for Linux users the developer cannot export it somehow

Controls will be in the game but here's a quick guide:

WASD - Move

Space - Jump

LMB = Fishing or Slingshot (if you have those) 

Shift = Interact with characters


Mac.dmg 41 MB
Windows.exe 38 MB


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Really want to play your cozy little game  despite the unsigned executable (Godot's fault here though) BUT I get this when I try to launch it through itch app :

I remember getting a similar error when I compilled my very first Godot game but I can't remember what I did to fix it... sorry :(

(2 edits)

Also you should put an extra paragraph on the page explaining why your game is unsigned and tell people to rather install it through itch app, it should get your game more plays and reviews :)

Thank you for your feedback

I will try to fix it thanks!

Please expect bugs